Re: [OFF TOPIC] Moving Views in Eclipse

From: Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 15:34:24 EDT

  • Next message: Paul Hertz: "Re: [OFF TOPIC] Moving Views in Eclipse"

    Ulrich Köster,, wrote:
    >there are different perspectives in Eclipse. Try the WOLips perspective:
    >Window->Open Perspective->Other->WOLips
    >or to debug your application
    >Window->Open Perspective->Other->Debug

    I knew about perspectives, but didn't know about the WOLips perspective
    -- thanks, Ulrich! It has the Console view in the "right" place.

    >The password for the
    >archives is for spam control only. There are a lot of email addresses
    >in the archives.

    I understand the reasoning, but the smart folks at Eclipse surely know
    how to shield email addresses from spiders while making the content
    available to Google.

    >Try another browser then Safari to use bugzilla.

    Ah, used Camino and found the bug:


    >It takes a while to figure it out how things work in Eclipse and some
    >things are not implemented on MacOSX yet. But it's definitely worth the
    >time to try it out.

    I examined the outstanding Mac OS X bug list, and found the lack of
    view-moving to be the worst filed bug (in my opinion), which helps
    immensely in my opinion of Eclipse's quality. With that knowledge, I'm
    going to press on with Eclipse and see how it goes.

    Dirk Olmes,, wrote:
    >I still don't understand why anyone would use eclipse on MacOSX

    To get away from PBX. No other reason. It's either Eclipse or BBEdit. I'm
    successfully using BBEdit for pure Java projects, but I need WOBuilder
    and EOModeler integration, and it appears Eclipse+WOLips supplies that.

    Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch
    Red Shed Software (847) 584-7465
    PGP: b2af 1a09 f881 ebde c9d6 c4d2 c04f a3c0 3ec5 d5f2

             "better" necessarily means "different"

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