Re: [OFF TOPIC] Moving Views in Eclipse

From: Paul Hertz (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 16:41:24 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich K�ster: "Re: Package Error"

    At 8:35 PM +0200 5/6/03, Dirk Olmes wrote:

    >>Chuck Hill,, wrote:
    >>>You have to move it *way* closer to (or even past) the edge than
    >>>experience with other applications might lead you to believe.
    >>I tried a pixel-perfect drop, and then dropping past the edge of the
    >>view. Neither works.
    >No wonder, this never worked for all eclipse versions I tried so far on OSX.
    >I ended up (ab)using the resource perspective to edit Java files
    >because it had the view layout I wanted. Of course that's not what
    >you want either because the menus don't behave the same as in the
    >java perspective ....
    >I still don't understand why anyone would use eclipse on MacOSX
    >voluntarily ... Don't get me wrong: I'm no windoze fan at all but
    >that seems to be the best platform to use eclipse on as of today.
    >Just my 0.01 EUR

    Working in MacOSX, I also can't reposition windows--just resize. The
    "Quick View" command iconizes a view and pops it up on request over
    on the left edge.

    -- Paul

    Paul Hertz <> 

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