Re: Eclipse jars

From: Ulrich K�ster (
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 02:49:31 EDT

  • Next message: Harald Niesche: "Re: Eclipse jars"

    Hi Harald,

    let's make sure we are talking about the same problem. Currently there
    is a difference between maintaing and building WOLips. The steps are:
    - Modify a plugin in the pde and test it.
    - Checkit in.
    - Update woproject from cvs.
    - run ant.

    My idea is to write an ant script that copies the plugins from the
    workspace into the plugins folder under projects/wolips/plugins. Same
    for features. It requires a refresh but is much faster then the way
    trough the cvs.

    >> I'd rather like it, if builds inside Eclipse were more or less
    >> automatic
    >> after checkout from CVS. Is that possible?
    >> Harald
    > I have an idea for that. I'll try it first.
    > Ulrich

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