Re: Eclipse jars

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 07:05:44 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich K�ster: "Re: Eclipse jars"

    Ulrich wrote:
    > let's make sure we are talking about the same problem. Currently there
    > is a difference between maintaing and building WOLips. The steps are:
    > - Modify a plugin in the pde and test it.
    > - Checkit in.
    > - Update woproject from cvs.
    > - run ant.

    The trouble with this is (or at least was, haven't looked at it in the last
    weeks), that it was necessary to do an Ant build before the PDE stuff really
    worked. I stopped doing development when this first Ant build stopped
    working inside Eclipse.

    > My idea is to write an ant script that copies the plugins from the
    > workspace into the plugins folder under projects/wolips/plugins. Same
    > for features. It requires a refresh but is much faster then the way
    > trough the cvs.

    (sound of hand smacking against forehead) Why didn't I think of that?

    That's a great idea, I always felt uncomfortable to check stuff into CVS
    that I hadn't built using the Ant build process. I think I broke the stuff
    in CVS at least once because of that.


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