Re: Eclipse jars

From: Ulrich K�ster (
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 13:29:05 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: [SOLVED, partly] Smaller font size"


    we could also include a target to copy the dist into a

    Anyway please provide as much feedback as possible about the new
    project structure.


    Am Freitag, 16.05.03 um 13:05 Uhr schrieb Harald Niesche:

    > Ulrich wrote:
    >> let's make sure we are talking about the same problem. Currently there
    >> is a difference between maintaing and building WOLips. The steps are:
    >> - Modify a plugin in the pde and test it.
    >> - Checkit in.
    >> - Update woproject from cvs.
    >> - run ant.
    > The trouble with this is (or at least was, haven't looked at it in the
    > last
    > weeks), that it was necessary to do an Ant build before the PDE stuff
    > really
    > worked. I stopped doing development when this first Ant build stopped
    > working inside Eclipse.
    >> My idea is to write an ant script that copies the plugins from the
    >> workspace into the plugins folder under projects/wolips/plugins. Same
    >> for features. It requires a refresh but is much faster then the way
    >> trough the cvs.
    > (sound of hand smacking against forehead) Why didn't I think of that?
    > That's a great idea, I always felt uncomfortable to check stuff into
    > CVS
    > that I hadn't built using the Ant build process. I think I broke the
    > stuff
    > in CVS at least once because of that.
    > Harald

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