Re: mysql rant

From: Andrus (
Date: Fri Jan 03 2003 - 02:05:17 EST

  • Next message: Dirk Olmes: "Re: mysql rant"

    Dirk, Craig,

    >The design is quite simple: I've written a NSNotificationCenter clone with
    >which you can register objects.

    This is a good thing to keep around in any event. My +1 for adding
    ObserverManager to Cayenne.

    >The class TransactionEventManager registers an instance to receive
    >Notifications posted from DataContext before and after a commitChanges
    >takes place.
    >When the DataContext commits, the registered instance will receive a
    >Notification, it then iterates over the list of new, updated and deleted
    >objects and
    >checks whether the objects implement the TransactionEvents interface. If they
    >do, they will be sent willCommit()/didCommit().
    >This solution turns out ot be as unintrusive to the framework as possible:
    >The only modifications one has to make to DataContext is the posting of events
    >upon certain control points. If you want the transaction event machinery,
    >simply put TransactionEventManager.registerForDataContextEvents();
    >somewhere in
    >the beginning of your app.

    Current code has one flaw though - a shared instance of
    TransactionEventManager contains state in "_objectsToBeNotified" so it
    can't be reused by multiple threads simultaneously. But I guess we can fix
    it easily.

    >I guess we could model the validation machinery the same way so you only get
    >validation if you need it.


    > > Ironically after that I tried using EOValidation in WebObjects as a
    > > customizable validation mechanism for the first time in my long WO
    > > experience. Despite some ugliness catching and rethrowing validation
    > > exceptions, this works and is an o.k. way to handle validation.
    >While WO validation is nice, it lacks in some places: did you ever try to
    >localize the validation messages? You'll end up parsing the validation message
    >since the messages are hard-coded <stinky, stinky>. Also, all the different
    >constraints (not null, required relationship, string length etc.) throw
    >NSValidation.ValidationException. I'd much rather have different kinds of
    >for finer grained validation exception handling.

    True, I had to invent the ways around these limitations (exception stores
    the key, but the message is derived later in the "catch" based on the key).
    I guess my preferred implementation would be creating and throwing an
    exception at the end of the validation to avoid chained try/catch. Instead
    public validation API should pass around some kind of validation object
    that is not an exception. Kind of like current Validator and ValidationInfo
    in the project package.


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