Re: locking rows?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun May 25 2003 - 14:54:13 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "ProjectConfiguration bug"

    On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 04:16 PM, Arndt Brenschede wrote:
    > This is the same "-2" you see in the log if you run the context-commit
    > on DEBUG level.
    > You should note the fully useless assigment in the line before
    > the return - this is an indication on what level of java developers
    > wrote this spaghetti.

    Funny that Oracle actually thinks that this is a desired behavior - the
    docs for "OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate" mention "-2" as the
    returned value of this method.

    > Anyhow, I did a real bad hack
    > in my prepared statement cache
    > to make getUpdateCount work,
    > but I think for the individual
    > update counts there's no chance
    > for oracle.

    You are right. It looks much worse than I thought. Given that
    "getUpdateCount" result is correct, or we can make it correct (I don't
    completely understand the problems you are having with it), we will
    need to build a hell of a query detecting failed rows to analyze
    optimistic lock failures .... In the worst case scenario, if a batch
    consists of thousands of rows, and a primary key is compound (so that
    IN() can't be used), WHERE clause is gonna be *very* long.

    BTW, I am adding the value returned by getUpdateCount to the logging


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