CayenneModeler upgrade message

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 01:24:50 EST

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "DataContextEventsTst fails?"

    If you are using nightly builds or CVS checkouts of Cayenne, now you
    may notice that modeler would give a warning "Project needs an upgrade
    to a newer version...". Don't be alarmed, simply click "Yes" - this is
    just a safeguard for users of the upcoming 1.1 (pre)Alpha. The actual
    change in the cayenne.xml XML schema happened quiet some time back and
    if you were using the new modeler, your project should be in 1.1 format
    already. All the current "upgrade" would do is changing the
    "project-version" attribute in the XML.


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