XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder Beta 2

From: Kevin Menard (nirvdru..egativetwenty.net)
Date: Wed Dec 15 2004 - 14:16:03 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder Beta 2"

    Hi everyone,

    I've changed quite a few things since the last beta and there really
    should be no copyright issues any more. It took me a bit to get where
    I am at with this now (particularly as Andrus pointed me to different
    things in Cayenne, I found better ways to do things), but I'm pretty
    happy with it. There's still some work to be done, but I wanted to get
    impressions about usability. Also, since I was doing this as a project
    for school, it'll be good for me to have some sort of release, even if
    it's this beta. Don't worry though, I plan on seeing this through to
    the end.

    Interesting classes are:

    org.objectstyle.cayenne.util.XMLSerializable (to a lesser extent)

    CayenneDataObject was modified to provide a default implementation of
    XMLSerializable#encodeAsXML(), so any classes that inherit from
    CayenneDataObject can be encoded without any extra effort. Right now,
    only declared attributes get encoded. I'm debating whether to do
    declared relationships. On the one hand, it would be nice to encode
    everything about an object without doing any extra work, on the other,
    encoding relationships may not be necessary, and I don't want to be
    hammering people's db servers for no reasons. Encoding relationships
    seems like it would be problematic if there are cycles too, so it would
    require a bit of forethought.

    XMLEncoder has a convenience method for encoding a collection of
    objects, and conversely, XMLDecoder can decode this XML to a List of
    objects. The decoding methods can take an optional DataContext for
    registering the decoded objects and committing them to the database. I
    register each object as it's decoded and the commit everything at the
    end. There were two ways this could have gone -- the other is to
    commit immediately after each new object is registered. If there's a
    problem with the approach I took, it's pretty trivial to switch to the
    other way. Or maybe a better way is to force the user to perform the

    I was working on a map encoding/decoding, similar to what already
    exists in XMLEncoder, but I didn't know what the keys were, so Andrus,
    any help there would be nice. I assume these maps are being created by
    Cayenne somewhere?

    I still need to add some Javadoc for the encoder, but I don't have the
    time right now. It should be pretty straightforward to use. There is
    one interesting thing though that I need to find a better workaround
    for . . . my new encoding stuff doesn't immediately update the
    PrintWriter passed into the constructor of XMLEncoder -- an explicit
    call to getPrintWriter() is necessary. E.g.,

             final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
             final XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder(new PrintWriter(out,
             encoder.encodeCollection("Bookmarks", bookmarks);
             encoder.getPrintWriter(); // If this is not here,
    out.toString() will return "".

    Anyway, the download is available at
    http://www.negativetwenty.net/projects/cayenne.tar.gz. This is still
    the modified 1.2 code I checked of HEAD a month or so ago.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.


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