3.0 M3 test results

From: Kevin Menard (kmenar..ervprise.com)
Date: Fri Jan 25 2008 - 16:34:32 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: 3.0 M3 test results"

    I've just finished up a bout of testing, and here are my results:

    Mac OS X (Java 1.5)

    PostgreSQL 8.2: FAIL (74 failed tests)
    Derby: FAIL (9 failed tests)

    Windows XP Pro SP2 (Java 1.5)

    Only one test failed for HSQLDB for Windows and it was the following:

    Without looking into it too much, it's probably a line ending issue.

    General notes:

    I'm getting a lot of exceptions from the merge stuff. Most are non-terminal
    and the tests will still pass, but the stack trace gets printed.

    For example, I see a lot of messages about duplicate PK tables coming from

    I also saw messages such as "table 'new_table' does not exist coming from

    I think something funky is going on with the PkGenerator for Postgres,
    causing a wide variety of tests to fail. I'll be digging into that more.


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