Re: DBPatch

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2008 - 20:08:00 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: DBPatch"

    On 15/04/2008, at 10:07 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Sure, but I think the fact that we'll get more metadata in Cayenne
    > will not make DBPatch obsolete. Cayenne schema merge can only
    > operate on a delta of two schema versions. DBPatch also deals with
    > data migration. So the two serve different goals. DBPatch is about
    > DB "versioning" across multiple installations of a DB.

    Yes, we thought that if we ever reached a goal of versioning through
    storing multiple Cayenne models, that we'd still need a post-schema-
    update hook to run SQL needed for the data upgrade.

    > I haven't thought through the cross-DB features just yet... Maybe we
    > can implement a mechanism based on defaults (e.g. if 90% of
    > dbpatches do not depend on a DB nature, you create them once, for
    > the remaining 10% you'd create files following naming
    > conventions ... mypatch.sql.mysql, mypatch.sql.derby, etc.)

    We found that lots of things had to be changed between DBs. VARCHAR ->
    VARCHAR2 in Oracle, VARCHAR(5000) in Derby -> TEXT in mySQL. Different
    ways of dropping and creating indexes, etc. The differences are
    substantial. Our initial idea was preprocessing statements:


    But it seemed like too much work for the reward, so we just settled on
    folders full of (almost) duplicate files. Keep an eye out for a commit
    from Matthias later this week to onCourse which will implement all this.

    My only other comment here is that ant may not be the best tool for
    deployed systems.


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