Re: maven improvements

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2008 - 16:15:06 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Some suggestions"

    On 13/08/2008, at 8:15 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    >> You've not provided, for example, a relativePath to the parent pom
    >> - thus maven defaults to assuming that it is one level up (which
    >> it's not; it's two levels up).
    > If that's the only problem, I guess we are fine with the current
    > structure. Installing 1 parent pom locally is a reasonable
    > requirement IMO.

    This though (correct me if I'm wrong) means that the modeller, which
    Ari was trying to test a new build for, could only resolve installed
    module dependencies - bypassing each dependency's target build and was
    thus (apart from the offline switch) downloading the older snapshot.

    Sure, the workaround is doing an offline lifecycle install but could
    be a trap for the uninitiated(?).

    >> To be clearer, a number of the sub-modules of the root parent's
    >> modules (e.g., /framework/cayenne-client/pom.xml) have as their
    >> parent /pom.xml rather than /framework/pom.xml... where the parent
    >> of /framework/pom.xml would be /pom.xml.
    >> I assume you had a reason for doing this (which I'd not seen
    >> before) but it wasn't clear to me what that reasoning was.
    > The reason being hiding our internal structure from the end users
    > who import Cayenne in their projects. This reduces the number of
    > intermediate parent modules one would need to download to just 1.


    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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