Removing..uthor tags

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2008 - 02:57:46 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Jira changes"

    I'd like to suggest stripping..uthor tags from all Java classes. In a
    mature project like Cayenne they make little sense, as many people
    have touched most files over the years. They only create false
    ownership perception. As my name is on most of the classes, I figured
    it would be most appropriate if I suggest that myself.

    Also IIRC there have been discussions in other places at Apache that
    mentioned..uthor tags as a potential for developer legal liability
    (as you know, one of the major goals of the ASF is to shield
    individual contributors from such liability). I am personally less
    concerned about this particular aspect, still figured I'd mention.



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