Re: Include modeler.bat back in the distribution?

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Mon Nov 17 2008 - 02:58:34 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Include modeler.bat back in the distribution?"

    It works, but I see the same effect Demetrios does. I can confirm it's
    The problem is, that Java5 (at least before Update 9) doesn't support
    Vista's new UI theme, called 'Aero'. So, when java app with Swing starts,
    screen blinks and a message pops up, telling Aero has been disabled.
    So exe-file must be built using Java 6 (the Java NSIS script points to). Jar
    should be built with 1.5, still.

    I've read that Aero is supported in 1.5.0 update 9, not only 1.6. So I could
    test modeler built with that JDK. Let me create a JIRA issue


    2008/11/17, Andrus Adamchik <>:
    > Before we fork the distro, I'd like to understand what exactly doesn't
    > work, and is there a confirmed fix. Like I wouldn't expect a problem running
    > bytecode compiled with Java 5 on the Java 6 JRE for instance.
    > BTW, here is the NSIS descriptor that is used to assemble the .exe:
    > But from what you are saying the problem is with the bytecode, not the exe?
    > Andrus
    > On Nov 17, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    > Maybe create another POM for Vista?
    >> 2008/11/17, Andrey Razumovsky <>:
    >>> I have Vista and I've seen this problem even if I start modeler from
    >>> Eclipse. I think this is JDK version problem - installed java in your
    >>> system
    >>> is 1.6, which supports Aero, that's why 'java -jar'.
    >>> I don't know how Windows' exe is built in Cayenne, but I suppose we
    >>> should
    >>> somehow build it with Java 6 not Java 5.
    >>> 2008/11/16, Robert Zeigler <>:
    >>>> I've started to get into the habit of always specifying the version for
    >>>> not only deps, but plugins in maven.
    >>>> It's the only way to have a long-term stable build with maven.
    >>>> Robert
    >>>> On Nov 16, 2008, at 11/1611:06 AM , Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    >>>> On 17/11/2008, at 3:04 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>>>> We test things on Vista and see what we can do to make the exe work
    >>>>> I notice that maven-japplication-plugin has been updated a few times in
    >>>>> the last few months and our maven target doesn't specify a release
    >>>>> version
    >>>>> number. Has the problem started just recently? Should we add a version
    >>>>> number to the pom?
    >>>>> Ari
    >>>>> -------------------------->
    >>>>> ish
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    >>>>> phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
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