Re: Index modeling

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Sun Jan 17 2010 - 18:13:30 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Build failed in Hudson: Cayenne-doc #41"

    On 18/01/10 4:24 AM, Zissis Trabaris wrote:
    > I think I could get it cleanly added to Cayenne 3.1. I would probably
    > have to upgrade the DBMerger, LoaderDeligate, DBLoader, DBEntity, create
    > a MergerToken, and possibly upgrade DBAdapter. Someone else would have
    > to upgrade the modeler since I am not up to speed with that code. I then
    > would be able to contribute the changes back into the trunk code. So
    > should I just checkout the trunk code, make the changes and then submit
    > the diffs?

    Yes, that's the best way. And then attach those diffs to the Jira task which will ensure licensing isn't a problem (you'll be asked to confirm the license arrangements when you attach the file).

    One other thing that needs to be done is to update the XML schema, but if you aren't familiar with that, I'll take care of it.

    I assume you'll be thinking about things like indexes across multiple columns, index width, index type (unique, fulltext, etc) and the differences between index types on different databases.

    This will be a really useful addition, thanks for working on this.


    Aristedes Maniatis
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