postgresql - the sequel

Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 14:28:24 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan Lewis: "Re: cannot obtain connection"

    I've found some mention of the problem in the list archive, but it
    didn't seem related enough so here goes: the case sensitivity problem
    I can simply lowercase every name in the database and get it over with, but:
    a) I shouldn't have to do that
    b) it makes switching databases harder
    c) the generated Java code isn't nearly as nice as when using the
    myTableName.myFirstAttribute notation.

    I think that the postgresql adapter might be modified in a manner
    similar to a change I proposed earlier for the MSSQL adapter: generate
    SQL so that all database artifact names are quoted. That would generate
    queries like:
    SELECT "t0"."myAttrib1", "t0"."myAttrib2" FROM "myTable" AS "t0".

    I dont' believe this would break anyone's code, but if it would, it
    could be included as an option ("encapsulate database object names" or
    something like that...).

    Looking forward to hearing other opinions,

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