Re: Many to Many Relation

From: Dhruti Ramani (
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 13:09:41 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Empty Constructor"

    Thanks for helping Mike. But now everything is working. Thanks to Todd.
    Thanks again,

    Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    Dhruti Ramani wrote:
    > I am so confused now. if you have same set up then how
    > come it does not generate add/remove methods for me
    > for M to M relation?
    > I am attaching *map.xml and cayenne.xml, if some one
    > can look at that figure out what I am doing wrong,
    > that would be really gr8 help. Objects I am interested
    > are SystemUser and UserRole and the join table is
    > UserRole_SystemUser.

    Unfortunately, your attachments are missing.

    Don't bother sending Cayenne.xml. All we need to see is *map.xml.


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