Re: Canonical objects

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Sat Sep 03 2005 - 20:36:12 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: ObjectId immutability?"

    You'd have to do the same thing in Cayenne, or another workaround (try
    to insert the object and throw it away if you get a constraint
    violation exception). You're going to have race conditions if you
    check, then create, then insert. That said, I have used the same

    I wonder if a better workaround might be to create a psuedo-optimistic
    lock on your unique keys.

    On 9/3/05, Gili <> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Say I have:
    > table ImageSpecification [id, width, height]
    > In Hibernate if I created a new ImageSpecification in my application
    > and I wanted to save it into the database only if it didn't already
    > exist (i.e. canonicalization) I would have to manually invoke something
    > like this:
    > mySpecification = mySpecification.getCanonicalInstance()
    > where getCanonicalInstance() is a method I implemented to issue a DB
    > query and if an equivilent object was found in the DB return it;
    > otherwise return "this". In this way I would ensure that I never ended
    > up with two copies in the database of the same specification.
    > Would I have to do the same with Cayenne or is there a cleaner way?
    > Thank you,
    > Gili
    > --

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