Re: Re: cayenne in a (rich) client/server setup

From: Tomi NA (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2006 - 18:55:22 EST

  • Next message: Marcin Skladaniec: "flattened relationship updating"

    2006/11/15, Michael Gentry <>:
    > Named queries and the getObject* will/can use the object cache.
    > Normal queries should refresh.

    getObject* can't be configured to go to the database?

    > part). There was talk about adding new cache options to 3.0, but I
    > don't believe you are using that branch? (I think Andrus may have
    > added LRU functionality or similar?)

    You're right, I'm not. This project is based on 1.2 - I'm probably
    going to port it to 2.0.x after the first installation, but it
    probably doesn't make a difference in the context were talking about
    The bigger bang might be switching to ROP altogether, but I have to
    think about that one very carefully for reasons entirely disjoint from
    cayenne itself.
    As far as LRU's concerned, I don't really see how it fits into the
    entire picture: isn't it just a way of deciding what remains in a
    limited size cache, and what doesn't? It certainly allows performance
    tuning (memory vs. CPU wise), but has little bearing on questions of
    keeping in-memory data up to date...


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