Re: Re: cayenne in a (rich) client/server setup

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2006 - 14:14:59 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: cayenne in a (rich) client/server setup"

    Named queries and the getObject* will/can use the object cache.
    Normal queries should refresh.

    I'm not totally clear on the object cache workings. I know I've had
    things live for weeks in it before (actually helped us out with a
    production problem -- we could get the old data and print it so we
    didn't lose it, but I'd argue that was a bad design decision on my
    part). There was talk about adding new cache options to 3.0, but I
    don't believe you are using that branch? (I think Andrus may have
    added LRU functionality or similar?)


    On 11/15/06, Tomi NA <> wrote:
    > 2006/11/15, Michael Gentry <>:
    > > DB and it worked well. As far as things to pay attention to ... I'd
    > > use optimistic locking (which I'd recommend for a web-based
    > > application, too) and refresh data you think needs to be refreshed.
    > > Refreshing data is really an application/workflow specific detail, so
    > > it is hard to generalize. Some things are obvious, like you can cache
    > > the State and Zip Code tables, for example. Other things you'll have
    > > to evaluate depending on your situation. It hardly ever hurts to
    > > refresh data from common queries, unless the query is really slow.
    > As far as refresh is concerned...
    > Cayenne looks to the database for every query by default, correct? If
    > an object changes after performQuery or getObjectByID returns, how
    > would I go about refreshing the cache?
    > Simply repeat getObjectByID or performQuery?
    > So far I've taken the paranoid approach so everything comes straight
    > from the database (i.e., I haven't paid any attention to the cache):
    > I'll look into the possibilities of caching some tables. which
    > shouldn't change.
    > How does the "max. number of objects" fit into the story? What happens
    > if I run a query which returns more then "max. number of objects"
    > objects (I've tried it, but can't explain the result)?
    > t.n.a.

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