RE: ROP listener semantics

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2008 - 13:42:51 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: ROP listener semantics"

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Andrus Adamchik []
    > Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 1:20 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: ROP listener semantics
    > Per my other reply to a similar question, there are no callbacks or
    > listeners on the client at all (and for that matter they do not work
    > with nested contexts either - only the topmost parent context's object
    > events will cause mapped callbacks to fire).

    This is a bit surprising to me, because I think that they do work. For
    my server class hierarchy I have one base class that I've made implement
    LifecycleListener. I've done the same for the client classes. In the
    modeler, I mapped each of these classes as listeners at the DataMap
    level. I couldn't get it to just acknowledge that these were listeners
    based on the interface, so I mapped the pre-persist methods for each.

    I then fired up the server in a debugger and a client in the debugger.
    Accessing a simple CRUD page in the client, both pre-persist methods
    were entered: the base server class one and the base client class one.

    > While this is consistent, it is far from user-friendly. The problem is
    > not technical (it is easy to invoke callbacks anywhere), but rather a
    > design one. My assertion is that callbacks and listeners will likely
    > be very different between the layers. In your example for instance, it
    > wouldn't make sense to set the 'creation_date' via a callback twice.
    > This in turn presents a challenge in mapping callbacks in the modeler.
    > This task is hard as is (I just tried to remap my manual callbacks
    > using M3 Modeler... not easy at all ... we may need alternative UI for
    > that task). If we'd have to map two separate sets of callbacks, client
    > and server, things will get even messier.

    Perhaps what I'm seeing is environment related then.

    I think if the semantics of execution order are well-defined, it's not
    as big a problem. If I can be assured that the server will execute and
    the changes will end up reflected in the client, then that's good enough
    for me. I can then use the client listeners for executing stuff that
    really only belongs to the client.

    I do agree that mapping two different sets of callbacks is going to be
    messy. I'd probably keep the same UI but have a checkbox or something
    for client versus server. Where it will likely start getting tricky is
    when we can finally use a single class hierarchy for server & client.

    > As a quick fix I was thinking of enabling manual callbacks and
    > listeners on the ROP client, but still avoid exposing server callbacks
    > on the client.

    Agreed. But, I'd like to avoid anything that makes unification of
    server & client hierarchy a harder task than it already is.

    > > Moreover, any modifications made at the server
    > > level will be reflected back in the client?
    > This is actually a separate issue from callbacks/listeners. And we
    > need to fix it .. badly... The object diff exchange protocol supports
    > sending server-side changes back to the client (and in fact we are
    > using that - for generated primary keys), but we also need to capture
    > and send back the changes that happened to objects as a result of
    > callbacks. IMO this is a major task that we'd rather do sooner than
    > later.

    Gotcha. In this example, it looked as if the changes were sent back. I
    haven't looked into enough to see if I just did a refresh query
    somewhere along the way though.

    We can take the rest of the discussion to the dev list I guess.


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