Re: more than one ObjEntity mapped to class problem

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Aug 08 2008 - 15:08:28 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Gamache: "Re: more than one ObjEntity mapped to class problem"

    org.apache.cayenne.conf package classes log all startup info. So that
    can be used for debugging. Of course if you merge configs by hand,
    you'd have to implement your own logging.


    On Aug 8, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Chris Gamache wrote:

    > Well, while we're working on the Cayenne 3.0M4 issue, I'm still
    > experiencing
    > this problem using Cayenne 2.0 ... I'm having a terrible time trying
    > to
    > track down this problem. It's most likely in my application code,
    > but I'm
    > having a devil of a time finding it...
    > WARNING: com.package.MyClass.doGet [v.2.0.3 May 6 2007] Can't perform
    > lookup. There is more than one ObjEntity mapped to class
    > com.package.rdbms.UserTable
    > This is a tomcat application. When I start the web service, I get
    > these
    > exceptions when I run a query which returns UserTable...
    > user = (UserTable) DataObjectUtils.*objectForQuery*(context, select);
    > How can I find out where Cayenne thinks all the ObjEntities are
    > being loaded
    > from so I can find the source of the contention.
    > Also! If I restart the tomcat enough it will eventually start and
    > run, which
    > makes me think there's a race condition somewhere, and win or loose
    > for one
    > ObjEntity means the difference between continuing to run and dying.
    > Please help!

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