Individual Object Caching

From: Nishant Neeraj (
Date: Thu Jan 28 2010 - 04:59:41 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Individual Object Caching"


    I am a bit confused on the way Cayenne handles object-cache. It sounds to me that object-cache gets invalidated [1], whenever a call like this takes place 

    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(PaintingType.class, ...);
    return (List<PaintingType>)context.performQuery(query);
    Now, there are multiple users accessing the same page that calls loadMenu(), as per the document [1], for each user Object-Cache for this would be flushed and restores.


    RegardsNishant Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!

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