Re: Web site link to example and a proposal for a new example link

From: Martin Weber (
Date: Sun Aug 08 2010 - 20:16:06 UTC

  • Next message: Bruno René Santos: "Rollbacks and Listeners"

    Hi Andrus,

    agree with your point, wrong location and it is easy to find it in
    google. I still think it would be worth adding a link to with a short description like "Using
    Cayenne within different java technologies - a jump start".

    The whole framework is based on Apache Cayenne. My driving point was
    building different applications with a database as central back end.
    Apache Cayenne was the ORM of choice. Instead of building a concrete
    application to share with others, the idea came up to share all the
    findings and the chosen approaches as a sort of a framework. The
    framework shows how I embedded Apache Cayenne into Apache Wicket or in
    simple console/batch programs or with a fat client written in Eclipse
    RCP using EJB's (not using JPA) to access the Cayenne layer.

    I will put some more effort into the trac page to give a
    better understanding how yafra shall be used.

    Hope it helps,

    On 08.08.2010 20:59, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Hi Martin,
    >> May I suggest to add the Apache Cayenne examples below the success
    >> stories on the main page or within the success stories. The examples
    >> are quite hard to find (it's referenced on the cwiki index page) and I
    >> could find it only through google for apache cayenne examples.
    > I don't think examples belong on success stories page, as the purpose of
    > the later is quite different - to highlight the use of Cayenne on some
    > real-life projects. But answering your general point... The problem with
    > the examples on cwiki, namely this link -
    > , is that all of
    > those are old, unmaintained (as a matter of fact I just removed/changed
    > some links that no longer work), and many are likely obsolete.
    > This is a #1 link shown to me by Google when searching for "cayenne
    > examples", so it is not hard to find per se, but the question is whether
    > we want to endorse our old set of examples. I'd say them staying a step
    > away from the main site is actually good in current situation :-)
    >> If possible, somebody could add the link to my project as a further
    >> example of using cayenne within different technology setups. A link to
    >> would be excellent. It is yet another
    >> framework, but not in fact to be reused as such, more to get / take
    >> what you need to have a better learning curve.
    >> I used cayenne with the DTO pattern within EJB3 setup serving an
    >> Eclipse RCP EJB3 fat client (using Apache OpenEJB). As well a small
    >> example using Apache Wicket with Cayenne. Working on a Google Web
    >> Toolkit example and would like to move on to Eclipse Riena using
    >> distributed OSGi (they use Hessian as well, seems to be an interesting
    >> example). With the yafra framework I did already a ROP example, but
    >> not yet published. All sources are under SVN as Eclipse projects. I
    >> use Trac to document.
    > Could you provide links to the parts of Yafra that can be used as
    > standalone Cayenne examples (does this request even make sense in the
    > context of Yafra? Not sure how it is organized) Or maybe alternatively
    > you can provide us with a small writeup, explaining those parts that we
    > can put on the wiki with links back to the appropriate pieces of Yafra?
    > Cheers,
    > Andrus

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