Re: Initial event handling

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 07:12:14 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Initial event handling"

    Andrus wrote:
    > The event package looks very good. I hope we will find lots of other uses
    > for it in the future.

    Happy to hear that! thanks!

    > 1. Do you have plans to make ObserverManager send distributed notifications?

    Sure, but if you want to lead the way don't let me hold you back.. :)

    > 2. Since DataContextTransactionEventHandler and DataObjectTransactionEvents
    > specifically deal with DataContext events, maybe they should be a part of
    > "access" package, making "event" a generic event notification framework?

    done, moved them into ..access.event. I guess some more interfaces will
    pop up there in the future.

    > >- the dependency between DataContext and the DCEventHandler is dubious but
    > >looks unavoidable.
    > 3. How about DataContext.setTransactionEventsEnabled() triggering this?
    > What I am suggesting is moving static initialization block from DataContext
    > to the handler itself, but making sure that it is invoked every time
    > setTransactionEventsEnabled is called in the code. Does it make sense?

    yes, perfectly. done.

    Besides looking into distributed events I'd like to:

    - extend/implement the standard java.util event interfaces, e.g. make
    ObserverEvent extend EventObject etc.

    - think about thread safety before people start using this 'for real' e.g.
    in a container

    One more question (more for Dirk): currently the handler collects
    new/deleted/modified objects for willCommit() and messages the same set of
    objects again for didCommit(). Isn't that somewhat wrong? I would have
    expected that all registered objects - whether they have been modified or
    not - would get this event so that e.g. they can update themselves. It
    would certainly be a lot slower; I'm not sure if it makes sense?


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