RE: Reengineering Overwrites

From: Weddle, Anthony (
Date: Thu Apr 09 2009 - 15:31:54 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Zeigler: "Re: Reengineering Overwrites"

    Thanks for the tip, John and Robert. However, I'm not sure that reverse
    capability is there in 3.0M5. If I select Migrate DB, I only get
    operations in the direction of the database to select. For example, I
    altered a table in the map and also added a table on the database; the
    two operations that Migrate gave me to select were to add the map change
    to the database and the drop the table I just created. There were no
    operations that provided the DB to map direction.

    Maybe this functionality is not there in M5?

    If there was an option to migrate either way, I'm not sure it would
    help, since I'd want to merge changes. I'd want to keep any changes to
    ObjEntities that I make in Modeler and merge in any database changes
    (such as new tables, new columns, altered column definitions, deleted
    columns) to the map.

    Unfortunately, these kinds of operations are not uncommon here and so
    this would likely be a major issue for us. However, being a newbie at
    Cayenne, I may not fully understand the capabilities.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of
    John Armstrong
    Sent: Thursday, 9 April 2009 5:56 p.m.
    Subject: Re: Reengineering Overwrites

    Under to Tools menu in the modeler you can select the 'Migrate
    Database Schema' command.

    This will diff the db against your current current map. You can then,
    per change, decide if you want to take the DB version, the Cayenne
    version or ignore.

    Its the best feature ever, I use it daily.

    This may not be what your looking for..

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