Re: Reverse engineering existing tables... selectively

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri May 07 2010 - 03:22:54 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Session Replication"

    Hi Mike,

    Reverse engineering dialog does not support complex expressions, only
    patterns supported by DatabaseMetaData.getTables():,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String

    > If I can't do it this way and I
    > rev. eng. each table individually is there a way to have cayenne
    > automatically figure out and create the relationships or do I need
    > to do
    > that by hand?

    3.0 has a feature in the Modeler under Tools > Infer Relationships
    that can guess relationships if FK's follow naming convention
    "TARGETTABLENAME_ID". If they don't, relationships will have to be
    created manually.

    Not sure if "Tools > Migrate Database Schema" may also help here:


    On May 5, 2010, at 9:04 PM, wrote:

    > Hey everybody,
    > When I try to reverse engineer an existing table, I want to
    > only
    > reverse eng. a few of the tables that are related to each other. The
    > problem is that they are named differently. When I put something like
    > this in...
    > ...nothing happens. I've also tried with single and no quotes. Is
    > there
    > a way to do this or is this not possible? If I can't do it this way
    > and I
    > rev. eng. each table individually is there a way to have cayenne
    > automatically figure out and create the relationships or do I need
    > to do
    > that by hand?
    > Thanks.
    > -Mike

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