Re: Cayenne vs EOF: How to questions?

From: Bryan Lewis (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2005 - 20:19:51 EST

  • Next message: Bryan Lewis: "Re: Cayenne: Is it thread safe as compared to EOF?"

    Re: Cayenne vs EOF: How to questions?Yes, we're also using Tapestry. We're happy with both platforms, but if I had to pick one, I'd say Cayenne has had the smoother learning curve. You can search the list for questions I've asked along the way; in every case Cayenne could do what we needed. Once or twice there was some small bug but it got fixed quickly. (Much better response than we'd gotten before!)

    The caching seems more intuitive than in EOF -- relationships are cached by default, queries are not. Raw-SQL queries seem to be more flexible than before. Being able to read and step through the source code is very useful. Not having to restart the apps every night because of memory leaks is pretty nice too. (Then again, we were on a pretty old version of WebObjects.)

    We recently had an outside Q/A contractor test our biggest new app. He found that our page-loading times were a little faster than in the old app, despite the fact that the old one had been tuned for years and the new one hasn't gotten to the tuning stage yet. So I can't think of any pauses. :-)

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Dov Rosenberg
      Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:52 PM
      Subject: Re: Cayenne vs EOF: How to questions?

      That is good to hear. How dramatic of a change is it to move from EOF to Cayenne? Are you using Tapestry as well? Have you come across anything that has given you pause about Cayenne?

      Thanks in advance

      Dov Rosenberg
      Conviveon Corporation

      On 2/10/05 6:37 PM, "Bryan Lewis" <> wrote:

        On the first question, I'm currently converting several old apps from WebObjects 4.5 to Cayenne and have had no trouble keeping our old flattened relationships. See the user's guide:


          ----- Original Message -----
          From: Dov Rosenberg <>
          Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:52 PM
          Subject: Cayenne vs EOF: How to questions?

          A few questions on the capabilities of Cayenne as compared to Apple EOF


            1.. Does Cayenne support flattened relationships like EOF? If so, what is the equivalent?
            2.. I understand that Cayenne does not currently support EOPrototypes to make it easier to switch between databases, what is the Cayenne preferred method for supporting multiple databases? Seems like it has something to do with DataMaps. Not sure though
            3.. How can I programmatically swap out my connection dictionary at application startup? I.e. Allow me to store userid/password in separate file from the cayenne.xml and update them when the app starts up.
            4.. Is there a hook for generating primary keys on the client side similar to what we currently do with a DatabaseContextDelegate and our own guid generator?
            5.. Is there any Cayenne support for doing lightweight, high volume SQL processing (i.e. For batch updates)? EOF has too much overhead for large amounts of sql processing in batch mode. Ideally a smarter version of RawRowsForSQL that doesn't create all the objects in an object graph.

          Thanks in advance.

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